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Thread: Building Qwt 6.1.0 RC3 on OS X (from the command line)

  1. #1
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    Default Building Qwt 6.1.0 RC3 on OS X (from the command line)

    Hi, I am trying to build Qwt 6.1.0 RC3 on OS X doing the following:

    Qt Code:
    1. $ cd qwt-6.1-rc3
    2. $ qmake
    3. $ make
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    but then, I got the following errors/warnings:

    compiling qwt_widget_overlay.cpp
    In file included from qwt_widget_overlay.cpp:10:
    ./qwt_widget_overlay.h:147:12: warning: private field 'm_rgbaBuffer' is not used [-Wunused-private-field]
    uchar* m_rgbaBuffer;
    1 warning generated.
    compiling qwt_plot_shapeitem.cpp
    qwt_plot_shapeitem.cpp:245:34: warning: equality comparison result unused [-Wunused-comparison]
    d_data->boundingRect == QwtPlotItem::boundingRect();
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
    qwt_plot_shapeitem.cpp:245:34: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
    d_data->boundingRect == QwtPlotItem::boundingRect();
    1 warning generated.
    rm -f qwt qwt.framework/qwt ../lib/qwt.framework/qwt
    linking ../lib/qwt.framework/qwt
    ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Applications/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/clang_64/qtbase/lib'
    mv -f qwt ../lib/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt
    ln -s Versions/6/qwt ../lib/qwt.framework/qwt
    rm -f ../lib/qwt.framework/Versions/Current
    ln -s 6 ../lib/qwt.framework/Versions/Current
    cd textengines/ && ( test -f Makefile || /Applications/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/clang_64/bin/qmake /Users/Alan/Desktop/qwt-6.1-rc3/textengines/ -o Makefile ) && make -f Makefile
    make[1]: Nothing to be done for `first'.
    cd designer/ && ( test -f Makefile || /Applications/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/clang_64/bin/qmake /Users/Alan/Desktop/qwt-6.1-rc3/designer/ -o Makefile ) && make -f Makefile
    compiling qwt_designer_plugin.cpp
    compiling qwt_designer_plotdialog.cpp
    rcc qwt_designer_plugin.qrc
    compiling resources/qrc_qwt_designer_plugin.cpp
    moc qwt_designer_plugin.h
    compiling moc/moc_qwt_designer_plugin.cpp
    moc qwt_designer_plotdialog.h
    compiling moc/moc_qwt_designer_plotdialog.cpp
    rm -f libqwt_designer_plugin.dylib
    linking plugins/designer/libqwt_designer_plugin.dylib
    ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Applications/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/clang_64/qtbase/lib'
    ld: library not found for -lqwt
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    make[1]: *** [plugins/designer/libqwt_designer_plugin.dylib] Error 1
    make: *** [sub-designer-make_first-ordered] Error 2
    Regarding the two warnings, it would probably be nice to fix them, especially the second one. As for the error, I would have expected Qwt's build system to handle it? If not, what is then needed to get Qwt to build out-of-the-box on OS X?

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    Default Re: Building Qwt 6.1.0 RC3 on OS X (from the command line)

    Qt Code:
    1. qmake -spec macx-clang-libc++
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    or macx-clang
    or macx-g++

    Calling qmake with no mkspec always fails (for me). All these work for me.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Building Qwt 6.1.0 RC3 on OS X (from the command line)

    Well, I have just tried with macx-clang-libc++, macx-clang and then macx-g++, but in all three cases I ended up with what I mentioned in my original post. FWIW, I am running OS X 10.8.2 with version 4.2 of clang (through Xcode 4.6).

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Building Qwt 6.1.0 RC3 on OS X (from the command line)

    Concerning the error there was some discussion on the mailing list - use the version from SVN trunk for a fixed version ( beside on Windows don't build debug_and_release - instead debug only + release only ).
    The second warning has been fixed in trunk some time ago - the first one needs to be done.

    There is a reason for having more rc versions: I don't have most of the environments where Qwt is used myself.


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    Default Re: Building Qwt 6.1.0 RC3 on OS X (from the command line)

    Hi Uwe,

    Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I have just got the trunk version of Qwt and, indeed, it builds fine out-of-the-box. However, I couldn't run the examples since the bundles are not able to find Qwt. E.g.:

    Qt Code:
    1. $ cd ~/qwt/examples/bin/
    2. $ otool -L realtime
    3. realtime:
    4. qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt (compatibility version 6.1.0, current version 6.1.0)
    5. ...
    6. $
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    In the end, I had to do the following to be able to run the example:

    Qt Code:
    1. $ install_name_tool -change qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt [Qwt]/lib/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt realtime
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    So, not quite able to build and run out-of-the-box.

    Otherwise, I greatly appreciate your work on Qwt, so would it be worth setting up some kind of a web page that would contain a matrix of the platforms on which a particular release of Qwt has been or should be tested? I mean, I would certainly be happy to test things for you (given the exact steps to follow to test Qwt) since I use it on Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit), Ubuntu 12.04 (32-bit and 64-bit) and OS X 10.8.2 on a daily basis. (I don't use the Qt project files you provide and, instead, have my own CMake file, but that's besides the point, I could still test things, if needed.)

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Building Qwt 6.1.0 RC3 on OS X (from the command line)

    Quote Originally Posted by agarny View Post
    Well, I have just tried with macx-clang-libc++, macx-clang and then macx-g++, but in all three cases I ended up with what I mentioned in my original post. FWIW, I am running OS X 10.8.2 with version 4.2 of clang (through Xcode 4.6).
    I am using the latest versions, and it compiles flawlessly. But your initial error was for the designer plugin, which I've never built.

    So, not quite able to build and run out-of-the-box.
    I run the examples directly from Qt Creator, benefits of this include
    • the environment (paths) are automatically handled on all platforms (no need for install_name_tool, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, ldd, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or depends.exe)
    • you can open the code and step through it
    • and the procedure for running an example is identical on all platforms (just right click the example and select Run).

    A have to admit, I've still never installed Qwt to system. I keep it in '~/working/qwt/qwt', and '~/working/qwt/qwt-qt4'. I like doing it this way as it keeps the platform sections of my .pro file similar.

    When deploying, as I don't install the framework, macdeployqt doesn't work properly with it, here is the Mac section of my qwt.pri file:

    Qt Code:
    1. macx {
    2. # Qwt
    3. QWT_SOURCE_DIR = $$quote($$TOP_SRC_DIR/../qwt)
    7. contains(DEFINES, LT_QWT_DLL) {
    9. LIBS += -L$$QWT_SOURCE_DIR/lib -lqwt
    11. QWT_BUNDLE_DATA.files = $$QWT_SOURCE_DIR/lib/libqwt.6.dylib
    12. QWT_BUNDLE_DATA.path = Contents/MacOS
    14. QMAKE_CLEAN += $$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/MacOS/libqwt.6.dylib
    15. } else {
    17. LIBS += -framework qwt
    19. QWT_BUNDLE_DATA.files = $$QWT_SOURCE_DIR/lib/qwt.framework
    20. QWT_BUNDLE_DATA.path = Contents/Frameworks
    23. contains(TEMPLATE, app) {
    24. QMAKE_POST_LINK += \
    25. $(MKDIR) $$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.app/$$QWT_BUNDLE_DATA.path $$escape_expand( \\n\\t )
    26. for(a, QWT_BUNDLE_DATA.files):exists($${a}){
    27. QMAKE_POST_LINK += \
    28. $(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) $$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.app/$$QWT_BUNDLE_DATA.path/$$basename(a) \
    29. || $(INSTALL_DIR) $${a} $$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.app/$$QWT_BUNDLE_DATA.path $$escape_expand( \\n\\t )
    30. }
    31. }
    33. QMAKE_POST_LINK += install_name_tool -change \
    34. qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt \
    35. @executable_path/../Frameworks/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt \
    36. $$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/MacOS/$${TARGET} $$escape_expand( \\n\\t )
    38. CONFIG(release, debug|release): {
    39. QMAKE_POST_LINK += install_name_tool -change \
    40. $(QTDIR)/lib/QtPrintSupport.framework/Versions/5/QtPrintSupport \
    41. @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtPrintSupport.framework/Versions/5/QtPrintSupport \
    42. $$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Frameworks/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt $$escape_expand( \\n\\t )
    43. QMAKE_POST_LINK += install_name_tool -change \
    44. $(QTDIR)/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets \
    45. @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets \
    46. $$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Frameworks/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt $$escape_expand( \\n\\t )
    47. QMAKE_POST_LINK += install_name_tool -change \
    48. $(QTDIR)/lib/QtGui.framework/Versions/5/QtGui \
    49. @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/5/QtGui \
    50. $$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Frameworks/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt $$escape_expand( \\n\\t )
    51. QMAKE_POST_LINK += install_name_tool -change \
    52. $(QTDIR)/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore \
    53. @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore \
    54. $$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Frameworks/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt $$escape_expand( \\n\\t )
    55. QMAKE_POST_LINK += install_name_tool -change \
    56. $(QTDIR)/lib/QtConcurrent.framework/Versions/5/QtConcurrent \
    57. @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtConcurrent.framework/Versions/5/QtConcurrent \
    58. $$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Frameworks/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt $$escape_expand( \\n\\t )
    59. }
    60. }
    64. }
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    Default Re: Building Qwt 6.1.0 RC3 on OS X (from the command line)

    Quote Originally Posted by Seamus View Post
    I am using the latest versions, and it compiles flawlessly. But your initial error was for the designer plugin, which I've never built.
    As I said, all I was trying to do was to build Qwt out-of-the-box. As it happens, I already use Qwt in my project. The only thing is that I don't use QMake (but CMake) and therefore build it my own way. I don't, however, need the examples so my Qwt build system doesn't build them. Yet, I quickly needed to check some examples, so I thought I would download Qwt and build it out-of-the-box and this is what prompted my original post...

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Building Qwt 6.1.0 RC3 on OS X (from the command line)

    Quote Originally Posted by Uwe View Post
    Concerning the error there was some discussion on the mailing list - use the version from SVN trunk for a fixed version ( beside on Windows don't build debug_and_release - instead debug only + release only ).
    The second warning has been fixed in trunk some time ago - the first one needs to be done.

    There is a reason for having more rc versions: I don't have most of the environments where Qwt is used myself.

    Marked, I also have this problem on my OSX and solved with the latest SVN trunk version.

    Thank you for all the hard work

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