My setup: QtCreator 2.6.2, Qt 5.0.1, Linux slackware 32bit (current).
I'm trying to setup my QtCreator (or "pro" file?), so I can build application which has 1 shared library and 2 applications - both linking dynamically to that library. I've created Subdirs project, added library project, added 2 application projects, everything builds fine and runs fine under QtCreator.
Problem is that when the time comes and I'd like to prepare package for end users I need to have directory structure somehow like: and the problem here is that linker won't see those libraries. One solution is to add ./lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but 1) this is not very nice solution, requires scripts for running the app, 2) it's not portable and I want to deploy my App to windows and mac in future.
How should it be done? How to tell QtCreator to create application binaries which point to specific relative path, regardless of platform? I assume that for final "Release" configuration I would have fixed directory structure and I can provide fixed relative paths for libs.