
I'm migrating a project from Qt 4.8.x to 5.0.1 and the only thing which I can say at this moment is "wow, it's not a trivial job!!" After some hard work (test & error), I solved almost all the "errors" (updating deprecated code, libs, etc...) but there are two errors which I'm not capable to fix (ouch!!).

I'm using the QMacCocoaViewContainer class (that compiles fine with Qt 4.8.x). Well, when I compile it using the Qt 5.0.1, the linker fails:

Qt Code:
  1. Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  2. "QMacCocoaViewContainer::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)", referenced from:
  3. WebViewNative::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) in moc_WebKitClass.o
  4. "QMacCocoaViewContainer::qt_metacast(char const*)", referenced from:
  5. WebViewNative::qt_metacast(char const*) in moc_WebKitClass.o
  6. "QMacCocoaViewContainer::setCocoaView(void*)", referenced from:
  7. WebViewNative::WebViewNative(QWidget*) in WebKitClass.o
  8. "QMacCocoaViewContainer::staticMetaObject", referenced from:
  9. WebViewNative::staticMetaObject in moc_WebKitClass.o
  10. "QMacCocoaViewContainer::QMacCocoaViewContainer(void*, QWidget*)", referenced from:
  11. WebViewNative::WebViewNative(QWidget*) in WebKitClass.o
  12. "QMacCocoaViewContainer::~QMacCocoaViewContainer()", referenced from:
  13. WebViewNative::WebViewNative(QWidget*) in WebKitClass.o
  14. WebViewNative::~WebViewNative() in moc_WebKitClass.o
  15. "QMacCocoaViewContainer::cocoaView() const", referenced from:
  16. WebViewNative::openURL(QString) in WebKitClass.o
  17. "typeinfo for QMacCocoaViewContainer", referenced from:
  18. typeinfo for WebViewNative in moc_WebKitClass.o
  19. ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
The .pro has not been changed and I understand what the error says but I don't understand why it happens. I missed some extra configuration for Qt 5? Is a Qt5 bug? Because the Qt 5 for Mac is only 64bits (downloaded from Internet, not compiled by me).

The specific configuration for this part in my project is:

Qt Code:
  1. LIBS += -framework Cocoa -framework WebKit
  2. OBJECTIVE_SOURCES += src/webkit_mac/WebKitClass.mm
  3. HEADERS += src/webkit_mac/WebKitClass.h
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
I'll omit the second error by now, at this moment is commented in my code and don't breaks my compilation process (I'll try to fix it after...) I need to fix this before.

Anyone know how to fix or why is it happening? Any help will be welcomed, I'm saturated at this time, hehehhe!

Best regards,