Quote Originally Posted by giblit View Post
do you mean use the variables form the other function? if this is what you mean you could try this:
Qt Code:
  1. QList<double> spinboxValues;
  2. double values;
  3. mainWindow::dbinfo(){
  4. //get values from spin box
  5. }
  6. void MainWindow::okbuttonslot(){
  7. spinBoxValue << value;
  8. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

that would mean when you press the button the value from your spinbox would be appended to the QList spinbox but you will probably have to use a boolen or something if you use this method otherwise each time you press the button it will append it to the end
The thing is he/she doesn't know how to get the "value". Which he/she supposedly knows how to do in C (which works the same way in C++ for everyone else but not for him/her).