Hi all.
I wish to create big project in Qt 4.1.0.
Well, some futures as plugins and Designer UI formes will be used.
There is very interesting examples about plugins in "pluginpaint" demo.
But some limitation (of example):
1. "Adding new menu" functions started at Main window.
2. Project don't use ui formes.
3. Don't shown using SIGNAL & SLOT

To create something big with upper futures we need (I think generally):
1. Plugins can add menu themselfes, can using statusbar
2. Plugins can use UI formes
3. Plugins can use SIGNAL & SLOTS behind Main Window or _other_plugins_

So, my way:
Plugins need to know about Main Class to use it Menu, Statusbar e.t.c. To do this we need to include header of Main Class in plugin implementation & then give pointer to real object of Main Class in plugin initialization (something like "init" function in interface)

Using of UI forms is not problem: we just need to implement object of ui-class in interface realization.

To realize signals and slots in plugin we need to know classes that we will used.
"news" plugin need to use "user" form to show form for editing user, thats create this news.

so.. some problems (questions):
1. When we use in plugins including of main class, the DLL (or .so) will be include code of Main Class in all plugins... Correct me if I wrong.
2. When we use some classes in plugins, how other plugins can acces them? In example, we want use formes. We need to declare class extends QWidget & declare is as "plugins part" or we can include class in plugin & then use it simple.
3. Signal and slots.... Oh,

Can somebody help me to do this and show to my mistakes..