I've encountered some problems compiling my old project that was initially built with Qt 4.8 and Qwt 6.0.2.

  1. QwtText doesn't have the setBackgroundPen option anymore. What's the correct way to apply a QPen to the background of a QwtText object?
  2. canvas() is apparently a QWidget object the newer version. Should I simply reassigning all QwtPlotCanvas* objects as QWidget*'s (it seems to do the trick) ?
  3. The QwtPlotRenderer::KeepFrames option is missing. What alternative can you suggest for the renderer.setLayoutFlag(QwtPlotRenderer::KeepFrames ,true) function?
  4. The setItemAttribute(QwtPlotItem::Legend,false) option for a QwtPlotCurve is present in the build (previously mentioned issues produce a compilation error) but it doesn't seem to be working properly. I've previously used this function to omit some of the curves from the legend but in this newer build all of the "hidden" curves are visible.

Can someone verify these issues?