A brief synopsis: I'm reposting a question that is located (here) in the hopes that someone on this forum will be more likely to have more knowledge. I really need an answer to this problem!

Here's the problem summary, if you don't follow the link to SO as well as the links that are at that page:

I've compiled a project built off of Qt, (Tulip). Tulip provides some headers in order that other developers that come along can build software off of what they provide. I've been able to use the CMake build system to compile (what's meant to be) my own standalone gui. The problem is that when I try to run it, I get an error where it says recursive repaint detected, and then it drops a core dump and dies. The thing is, all I did was copy code from the tutorials (links to source provided at the SO site that I linked up above) provided by them, so I would think that the code for this example would work properly.