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Thread: Qt Designer 4.0.1 Preview Colors

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Qt products

    Default Qt Designer 4.0.1 Preview Colors

    I am using Qt Designer 4.0.1 on Linux, and when I change the background color or the color of pushbuttons, all text subsequently shows up in gray when I preview the form.
    To change the colors, I am changing the palette from the Property Editor, and selecting the 3D Effects, and Background colors on the Edit Palette dialog. There seems to be no control there for the Foreground, ButtonText, etc. colors. There also seems to be no way to remove the palette, once I edit one. I am a Qt newbee, so maybe there is an easier way to set the colors.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Qt Designer 4.0.1 Preview Colors

    If you go to the QT-Designer and click in the property editor on pallete dubbleclick a tunedialog is popping up.
    You can change everthing in that dialog coloring the button's, text.
    It works for me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Qt Designer 4.0.1 Preview Colors

    A "Change Palette" button appears in the Value column of Property Editor for the palette property. Single clicking this button brings up the "Edit Palette" dialog (Double clicking does nothing different). The "Edit Palette" dialog has 2 color controls: "3-D Effects" and "Background", as well as a Preview pane with a Combo-Box for specifying which palette to preview. There are no other controls for setting any other colors.

    I'm using version 4.0.1, and maybe this has changed in version 4.1.

    After I set the colors, Designer seems to act like everything is disabled. If I manually edit the RGB values for the text colors in the .ui file for the disabled state, the desired text colors then show up in Designer. This cludge is not a viable solution however.


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