First off, i have no problem in Linux with this stuff running.

Now the background, I have developed an app that loads plugins from the 'plugins' directory of my applications exe directory in windows. It works fine on the development machine, and also on another Windows XP running SP1. However, i have another machine setup running a fresh windows installation. Fresh install with nothing done to it. I have all the necessary .dll files (QtCore4.dll QtGui4.dll, msvcr80.dll, etc.) in the .exe directory (app directory). There is no problem running the program. It's that the dynamically loaded plugins will NOT load.

Even more info: when i changed my code to not look in "./plugins" but actually look in "./" and moved the .dll files to that directory, they loaded. But this makes no sense to me.

Now, i've looked EVERYWHERE for a solution to this and i cannot find anything. No one seems to have had this problem which i find hard to believe. I have read as much as i can from the msdn library but it's just so boring and nothing there seems to help.

I can rule out a few things: It's not my app. You can reproduce this behavior with the plugandpaint app. It also will NOT load the plugins from the "plugins" directory.

Raw Problem: Plugins will not load when in a subdirectory of the main exe and dependency dll's.

Reproducing: Just use a fresh install of windows w/out QT4 and copy over the plugandpaint app which you compiled on another windows machine.

Frustrating the crap out of me. Please let me know what's up.