
Could somebody explain to me how to fix this weird bug?

Sem título.png

It happens when I try to run th executable outside Qt Creator... I put it in a folder alongside all the required .dll (both from Qt as well outside, such as qwt.dll) as I normally do when running programs outside Qt Creator, but this time this pop is appearing. I checked all the dlls, no one is missing and they are all compatible (all are release mode), not to mention that the popup talks about a problem in Qt5Core.dll, which is present. Qt dlls version are ok as well (all 5.1.0 versions). I remeber something similar happening some time ago because I compiled my app in release mode while I was using the debug version of qwt, but I garantee this is not this case.

Any help would be appreciated,


-- Edit
Sorry, now I noticed the message is in portugues ^^ Translating: "It wasn't possible to locate the process entry point ... in the dinamic link library Qt5Core.dll".