Ok, this is an error I have encountered before and I don't reall yknow how I've cleared it in the past.

I'm using Qt Creator 2.8.0 with Qt 4.8.4 (CMake) on an OS project I've forked from github. While most of the project's various UIs depend upon Qt, everything to this point has been built in code - no use of designer, no *.pro files.

Recently, a contributor created a *.ui file for a new dialog. I've been trying to make changes and ended up renaming some header files / directories which were refreenced as promoted widgets in Qt designer.

I made the changes to the files witohut realizing they were promoted widgets. Once I caught it, I added the new locations in the "Promoted widgets" dialog in designer and deleted the old ones. There is no dependency on the old header file locations whatsoever. Yet, when the ui_.h file is generated, it still references the old locations and completely ignores the new references. The .ui file indicates only the new locations and everythin glooks right in Qt Designer.

It seems like this might be a cache problem. I've cleaned / rebuilt everything several times, deleted my cmake cache text file from the build directory, and even deleted the build directory iteslf, but still no luck.

Any thoughts?