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Thread: Nice Solution to push Class on QVariant and take back...

  1. #1
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    Default Nice Solution to push Class on QVariant and take back...

    You like the Long or fast way to transport self made class on QObject?

    Here a short way..

    Qt Code:
    1. class Qmailf;
    3. /// 6 okt. 2013 save on svn
    4. /// great this to push class on qvariant
    5. ////
    7. template <class T> class VPtr {
    8. public:
    10. static T* asPtr(QVariant v) {
    11. return (T *) v.value<void *>();
    12. }
    14. static QVariant asQVariant(T* ptr) {
    15. return qVariantFromValue((void *) ptr);
    16. }
    17. };
    19. /*
    21.  MyClass *p;
    22. QVariant v = VPtr<MyClass>::asQVariant(p);
    24. MyClass *p1 = VPtr<MyClass>::asPtr(v);
    25.  * MMime::MimeTypes help;
    26.  */
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    Or the long long way...

    Qt Code:
    1. class Qmailf {
    2. public:
    3. Qmailf(int id) : chunk(""), mime("txt"), file("file.txt"), ext("txt"), uuid(id) {
    5. }
    6. void SetChunk(const QByteArray& x) {
    7. chunk = x;
    8. ///// qDebug() << "incomming <" << uuid << "> ";
    9. }
    10. /// set mime automatic
    11. /// todo filename resolver from header && id from inline image
    12. void SetMeta(const QString x) {
    13. meta_header = x;
    14. MMime::MimeTypes help;
    15. mime = help.Contenttype_Resolver(x);
    16. ext = help.MimeFromContent(mime);
    17. QString def(QString("mail_header_%1.%2").arg(uuid).arg(ext));
    18. file = def;
    19. }
    20. /// no make file or db take the chunk from mail and send at the right place
    21. void SetFile(const QString dfile) {
    22. MMime::MimeTypes fmime;
    23. QFileInfo fi(dfile);
    24. file = fi.fileName();
    25. ext = fi.suffix();
    26. mime = fmime.value(ext);
    27. }
    28. QByteArray Chunk() {
    29. return chunk;
    30. }
    31. QString Mime() {
    32. return mime;
    33. }
    34. int Uid() {
    35. return uuid;
    36. }
    37. QString Filename() {
    38. return file;
    39. }
    40. void Info() {
    41. QByteArray text = QByteArray::fromBase64(chunk);
    42. qDebug() << "Content-Type:" << Mime() << " - " << Filename();
    43. qDebug() << "Meta:" << meta_header;
    44. qDebug() << "Body first 28 chunk:" << text.mid(0,20).simplified();
    45. text.clear();
    46. }
    47. private:
    48. QByteArray chunk; // base64 encoded or other meta_heade having info
    49. QString mime;
    50. QString meta_header; /// meta info to create a file or o drupal node
    51. QString file;
    52. QString ext;
    53. int uuid;
    54. };
    56. typedef QMap<int, QVariant> Attach_File_Map;
    57. ////
    59. /// from this can create
    60. /// mail dir format or other
    61. /// i need to convert on drupal node and send on cms
    63. struct ICmail {
    64. quint64 uuid;
    65. QString msgid;
    66. quint64 multipart;
    67. QString sender; //// long chunk history from one mail
    68. QString md5; /// from incomming file server
    69. QString from;
    70. QString to;
    71. QString subject;
    72. QByteArray charcodec;
    73. QString transferencoding;
    74. QString language;
    75. QString date;
    76. QString txt;
    77. QString html; // image inline base64 encodet
    78. QString master;
    79. QString boundary;
    80. QString root_cmd;
    81. QMap<int, QVariant> alist;
    82. operator QVariant() const {
    83. return QVariant::fromValue(*this);
    84. }
    85. };
    87. /// todo a textstream for console to insert chort info from this mail
    89. inline QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& out, const ICmail& mail) {
    90. out << mail.from;
    91. out << mail.subject;
    92. out << mail.md5;
    93. out <<;
    94. out << mail.boundary;
    95. return out;
    96. }
    97. inline QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& in, ICmail& mail) {
    98. in >> mail.from;
    99. in >> mail.subject;
    100. in >> mail.md5;
    101. in >>;
    102. in >> mail.boundary;
    103. return in;
    104. }
    106. /*
    108.   << mail.txt << ",\n"
    109.   << mail.html << ",\n"
    110.  */
    111. inline QDebug &operator <<(QDebug debug, const ICmail &mail) {
    112. debug.nospace() << "ICmail{start(\n"
    113. << mail.from << ",\n"
    114. << mail.subject << ",\nContent-Transfer-Encoding:"
    115. << mail.transferencoding << "\n,"
    116. << << "\n,"
    117. << mail.boundary << "\n,"
    118. << mail.multipart << "\n,\nRoot cmd Content-Type:\n"
    119. << mail.root_cmd << ")end}\n";
    121. return;
    122. }
    123. Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(ICmail);
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Nice Solution to push Class on QVariant and take back...

    The long way looks a lot shorter then the short way

    The long way requires a Q_DECLARE_METATYPE, the short way requires a helper template and C-style casts.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Nice Solution to push Class on QVariant and take back...

    The short way doesn't check validity of the cast.
    Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.

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