I was wondering if there are Qt coding standards out there that Troll Tech recommends when developing applications under its framework.

For example I notice they do a lot of "camel humping", example: "testVariable".
lol, sorry.. I just re-read the sentence above. Anyways...

It is just something I am interested in from a software engineering stand point. It notice that it conflicts with my companies current notation.

Also, for things like QTabWidgets... at first I put all of my components on each tab page. I realized that this was a very bad design decision because the .ui will create one class for the dialog which really hinders re-use and adaptability. Instead I am leaving these pages blank and adding a widget "frame" to each page so that each tab page has its own "frame" class.

It is stuff like that, that interests me. I am curious if Troll Tech has any design recommendations. Layouts would be another thing. Do they recommend layouts all of the time, only in certain situations... how that is important for localization... etc.

If anyone has any thoughts on this, I would love to hear them.
