I am about to develop an application that will let the user navigate through multiple screens. While each screen has its own set of options for the user, they all share a few common elements (a "Back" button, a "Cancel" button, etc.). I think I should be able to make one "base" UI with these common elements scattered around the edges and then just swap out the central part of the UI to give the user the new options. This way all of the common elements stay in the same position no matter where the user in in their navigation.

My question is this: What is the best approach for doing this? I have done some investigating and looked at things like QGraphicsView and how to use multiple UI files for one application but it is not clear to me what the best approach is. It seems like this should be fairly straightforward but I would like to avoid going down blind alleys.

I am using the Qt 5 plug-in with MSVC on a Windows machine.
