C++, Qt 4.8
I need a timeline view like this one: http://www.DigiDragon.de/temp/T8_view.jpg

It has three parts:
Graph 1. A bar graph (The bars do not look like the one in T8_View, the bars look like in http://www.DigiDragon.de/temp/T8_balken.jpg). The bars can be expanded to show smaller sub-bars.
Graph 2. A line graph
Graph 3. A second line graph.
Not all graphs must be used, it can be that only one graph is shown. There is a splitter between all graphs.

• Export complete graph with labels as png/jpeg (Qt function)
Global Parameter:
- Begin + End Date/time complete graph
- Horizontal Zoom level (minutes per pixel)
- Textsize + Color
Global Parameter Graph 1:
- Row height main bar and sub bar.
- Row spacing main+ sub bar, row line on/off/color
- Column Color/Alpha setting for Week/Month/Weekend.
Global Parameter Graph 2+3:
- Column Color/Alpha setting for Week/Month/Weekend.
- Color/Alpha horizontal lines

Parameter/Features per bar type 1, main bar:
- start time+ length
- Do not show description if bar width is lower than x
- Bar edge rounded (1 missing edge pixel)
- Title
- Signal OnSelect ( int subBarID)
- Border on/off/color
- Fill color
- Label left/center/right
Parameter/Features per bar type 1, sub-bar:
- start time+ length
- Do not show description if bar width is lower than x
- Bar edge rounded (1 missing edge pixel)
- Title
- Border on/off/color
- Fill color
- Label left/center/right
- Label mode A/B. A is small top/center/bottom. B is large center
- Horizontzal line (see t8_balken.jpg, the blue one) on/off/color/position float 0-1
Subbar mode 1:
- Graph type line on/off/color (see t8_balken.jpg, the red one)
- Graph type fill on/off/color (see t8_balken.jpg, the green one)
- Graph values: MAX_UBAR_STATS=10 values with line height 0-1 and fill height 0-1.
Subbar mode 2:
- no further setting

Graph 2+3 line class
- on/off checkbox in left side description area
- Name
- color/alpha
- maximum value (vertical graph scale shows 0-max)
value can be float, int32 or percent
Mode A line:
- value array { float-value; datetime }
Mode B filled:
- colors[5]
- value array { float-value[5]; datetime } The float values are added. 0,1+0,2+0,15=total height 0,45

Don't hesitate to ask if you have additional questions.