Hi All,

I'm trying to start a QCoreApplication based program on Android using a QProcess. I've created a GUI-app (which runs fine) and a back-end app called 'backend' which is called from the GUI-app. Both are in the same package. Using ADB shell I can see the file (which has 'lib' prepended and '.so' appended to it) I use this code to start the backend:

Qt Code:
  1. // Create backend process
  2. QProcess* backendProcess = new QProcess;
  4. // Initialize the backend process and start
  5. backendProcess->setWorkingDirectory("<path_to_the_so_file>");
  6. backendProcess->start("./libbackend.so");
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The backendProcess->state() gives me a 'Process not started' and backendProcess->errorString() a 'Process crashed'....

I'm not sure if this is the correct way of starting a Qt console process (I've digged into JNI, but no clues on implementation in regards to Qt). Has anyone crossed this problem as well, or any clues on how to solve this?
