I am trying to refresh a image in a QLabel.It is getting refreshed when i used this code on a button click:
Qt Code:
  1. void Dialog_user::on_btn_Stop_clicked()
  2. {
  3. flag=0;
  4. sleep(2);
  5. ui->label->setPixmap(QPixmap("abc.bmp"));
  6. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

When i am doing the same thing via a signal-slot mechanism,it is not getting refreshed.The code is :
Qt Code:
  1. void Dialog_user::ImageRefreshSlot()
  2. {
  3. qDebug()<<"inside slot";
  4. sleep(2);
  5. qDebug()<<"after sleep";
  6. ui->label->setPixmap(QPixmap("abc.bmp"));
  7. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I have verified that signal and slot is connected via a debug message. The message "inside slot" and "after sleep" is successfully printed,but the label is not refreshed again.
But again if i am clicking the button,the image is getting refreshed.

I have a image processing application,where the image changes every 2 secs.