
I am trying to do a QPropertyAnimation but faced some problems.

My target is a main widget with 2 parts: bottom & top, with no spacing between them.

Bottom: fixed size
Top: same width as bottom and animated height but UPWARDS (from 0px, i.e, initially "hidden"). Like a 'popup'

Animation will start with a button:
1st click: Top widget "goes up" from 0px to 100px in top of bottom widget
2nd click: Top widget" goes down" from 100px to 0px in top of bottom widget ("hidden" again)

I have tried using 'height' property, but no success since top widget increased its height downwards

I have tried using 'geometry' property, using negative values since top widget position is referenced to its parent (main widget). This way my top widget go upwards (ok), but main widget does NOT resize, so top widget is NOT seen... I thought I could use 'valueChanged' signal from QPropertyAnimation (top widget height values: 0 -> 100) to change main widget geometry, but no success.

I hope I have explained my problem...

Any idea? Thanks in advance,
