I've been trying different approaches to solve my problem for quite some time, but nothing seems to work.

Making a game for one of my CPE classes and I've gotten my game background to load, with scrolling and zooming all working properly. However, in order to overlay buttons that allow the different game functions, they cannot be built into that QGraphicsScene as they will then move and zoom with the display. Thus I'm trying to create another QGraphicsView in transparent mode with its own QGraphicsScene containing just the game overlay information that stays static despite the state of the background.

I've tried using the Forms editor, but it wont let me stretch a GraphicsView to it while having buttons overlay.

I've tried just setting up two separate QGraphicsView items in my code not using a UI edited form and disabling my MainWindow, but they both then populate in their own windows as fullscreen. Setting one as the child of the other results in the parent being fullscreen and the child being partial.

I've tried making both GraphicsView's children of the MainWindow, but once again they end up only filling part of the screen.

I've probably tried a few other approaches that I can't think of after hours of manipulating things in different manners, but nothing generates my expected result, thus leading me hear to ask.

Any advice/insight would be a major help.
Thanks in advance!