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Thread: Nesting Lists

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Qt products

    Default Nesting Lists

    Hello. I'm trying to create a tree that is responsive when there are 1000's of items in it (and is always expanded). I have used this as a start point, but the repeater means that it is slow and unresponsive. I want to swap the repeater for a ListView, but if I just do a straight swap, the list is drawn over the top of the parent instead of underneath it, and subsequent items in the list are drawn over each other. The parent item sizes like I want it to, but if you just run the code in qmlscene and do the following:
    Add Node-> node0
    Add Node-> 0,n1
    Add Node-> 0,n2
    You can see that subchildren are not being drawn in the correct spot. I believe it's some interaction between the Column and the ListView, but I'm too much of a noob to be able to work out a solution. Can you please help. Full code is below, the ListView with ID objRepeater is what I'm trying to get working:
    Qt Code:
    1. import QtQuick 2.0
    2. import QtQuick.Window 2.0
    3. import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
    4. import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
    5. Rectangle {
    6. id: objRoot
    7. objectName: "objRoot"
    8. width: 600
    9. height: 600
    10. color: "black"
    11. ListModel {
    12. id: objModel
    13. objectName: "objModel"
    14. }
    15. Component {
    16. id: objRecursiveDelegate
    17. Item {
    18. Column {
    19. id: objRecursiveColumn
    20. objectName: "objRecursiveColumn"
    21. property int m_iIndex: model.index
    22. property var m_parentModel: model.parentModel
    23. clip: true
    24. MouseArea {
    25. id: objMouseArea
    26. objectName: "objMouseArea"
    27. width: objRow.implicitWidth
    28. height: objRow.implicitHeight
    29. onDoubleClicked: {
    30. for(var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; ++i) {
    31. if(parent.children[i].objectName !== "objMouseArea") {
    32. parent.children[i].visible = !parent.children[i].visible
    33. }
    34. }
    35. }
    36. objDragRect
    37. onReleased: {
    38. if( {
    39. objDragRect.Drag.drop()
    40. }
    41. }
    42. Row {
    43. id: objRow
    44. Item {
    45. id: objIndentation
    46. height: 20
    47. width: model.level * 20
    48. }
    49. Rectangle {
    50. id: objDisplayRowRect
    51. height: objNodeName.implicitHeight + objRepeater.contentHeight + 5
    52. width: objCollapsedStateIndicator.width + objNodeName.implicitWidth + 5
    53. border.color: "green"
    54. border.width: 2
    55. color: "#31312c"
    56. DropArea {
    57. keys: [model.parentModel]
    58. anchors.fill: parent
    59. onEntered: objValidDropIndicator.visible = true
    60. onExited: objValidDropIndicator.visible = false
    61. onDropped: {
    62. objValidDropIndicator.visible = false
    63. if(drag.source.m_objTopParent.m_iIndex !== model.index) {
    64. objRecursiveColumn.m_parentModel.move(
    65. drag.source.m_objTopParent.m_iIndex,
    66. model.index,
    67. 1
    68. )
    69. }
    70. }
    71. Rectangle {
    72. id: objValidDropIndicator
    73. anchors.fill: parent
    74. visible: false
    75. onVisibleChanged: {
    76. visible ? objAnim.start() : objAnim.stop()
    77. }
    78. SequentialAnimation on color {
    79. id: objAnim
    80. loops: Animation.Infinite
    81. running: false
    82. ColorAnimation { from: "#31312c"; to: "green"; duration: 400 }
    83. ColorAnimation { from: "green"; to: "#31312c"; duration: 400 }
    84. }
    85. }
    86. }
    87. Rectangle {
    88. id: objDragRect
    89. property var m_objTopParent: objRecursiveColumn
    91. Drag.keys: [model.parentModel]
    92. border.color: "magenta"
    93. border.width: 2
    94. opacity: .85
    95. states: State {
    96. when:
    97. AnchorChanges {
    98. target: objDragRect
    99. anchors { horizontalCenter: undefined; verticalCenter: undefined }
    100. }
    101. ParentChange {
    102. target: objDragRect
    103. parent: objRoot
    104. }
    105. }
    106. anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
    107. height: objDisplayRowRect.height
    108. width: objDisplayRowRect.width
    109. visible:
    110. color: "red"
    111. Text {
    112. anchors.left: parent.left
    113. height: 20
    114. //horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
    115. //verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
    116. text:
    117. font { bold: true; pixelSize: 18 }
    118. color: "blue"
    119. }
    120. }
    121. Text {
    122. id: objCollapsedStateIndicator
    123. anchors { left: parent.left; top:;}// bottom: parent.bottom }
    124. width: 20
    125. height: 20
    126. //horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
    127. //verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
    128. text: "+"//objRepeater.count > 0 ? objRepeater.visible ? qsTr("-") : qsTr("+") : qsTr("")
    129. font { bold: true; pixelSize: 18}
    130. color: "yellow"
    131. }
    132. Text {
    133. id: objNodeName
    134. anchors { left: objCollapsedStateIndicator.right; top:; }//bottom: parent.bottom }
    135. text:
    136. height: 20
    137. color: "yellow"//objRepeater.count > 0 ? "yellow" : "white"
    138. font { bold: true; pixelSize: 18 }
    139. //verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
    140. }
    141. }
    142. }
    143. }
    144. Rectangle {
    145. id: objSeparator
    146. anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; }
    147. height: 1
    148. color: "black"
    149. }
    150. ListView {
    151. anchors {top: objRecursiveColumn.bottom; left: parent.left; right: parent.right; bottom:parent.bottom;}
    152. //contentHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height
    153. id: objRepeater
    154. objectName: "objRepeater"
    155. model: subNode
    156. delegate: objRecursiveDelegate
    157. }
    158. }
    159. }
    160. ColumnLayout {
    161. objectName: "objColLayout"
    162. anchors.fill: parent
    163. ScrollView {
    164. Layout.fillHeight: true
    165. Layout.fillWidth: true
    166. ListView {
    167. objectName: "objListView"
    168. model: objModel
    169. delegate: objRecursiveDelegate
    170. interactive: false
    171. }
    172. }
    173. Window {
    174. id: objModalInput
    175. objectName: "objModalInput"
    176. modality: Qt.ApplicationModal
    177. visible: false
    178. height: 30
    179. width: 200
    180. color: "yellow"
    181. TextInput {
    182. anchors.fill: parent
    183. font { bold: true; pixelSize: 20 }
    184. verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter
    185. horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignHCenter
    186. validator: RegExpValidator {
    187. regExp: /(\d{1,},)*.{1,}/
    188. }
    189. onFocusChanged: {
    190. if(focus) {
    191. selectAll()
    192. }
    193. }
    194. text: qsTr("node0")
    195. onAccepted: {
    196. if(acceptableInput) {
    197. objModalInput.close()
    198. var szSplit = text.split(',')
    199. if(szSplit.length === 1) {
    200. objModel.append({"name": szSplit[0], "level": 0, "parentModel": objModel, "subNode": []})
    201. }
    202. else {
    203. if(objModel.get(parseInt(szSplit[0])) === undefined) {
    204. console.log("Error - Given node does not exist !")
    205. return
    206. }
    207. var node = objModel.get(parseInt(szSplit[0]))
    208. for(var i = 1; i < szSplit.length - 1; ++i) {
    209. if(node.subNode.get(parseInt(szSplit[i])) === undefined) {
    210. console.log("Error - Given node does not exist !")
    211. return
    212. }
    213. node = node.subNode.get(parseInt(szSplit[i]))
    214. }
    215. node.subNode.append({"name": szSplit[i], "level": i, "parentModel": node.subNode, "subNode": []})
    216. }
    217. }
    218. }
    219. }
    220. }
    221. Button {
    222. text: "add data to tree"
    223. onClicked: {
    225. }
    226. }
    227. }
    228. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thanked 2 Times in 1 Post
    Qt products

    Default Re: Nesting Lists

    A slightly modified version (I moved the list into the inner rectangle and fiddled with the anchors) is getting me the list nesting, but it's not sizing the top level rectangle properly so I can't see the nested list:
    Qt Code:
    1. ...
    2. Rectangle {
    3. id: objDisplayRowRect
    4. height: objNodeName.implicitHeight + objRepeater.childrenRect.height + 5
    5. width: objCollapsedStateIndicator.width + objNodeName.implicitWidth + 5
    6. border.color: "green"
    7. border.width: 2
    8. color: "#31312c"
    9. ...
    10. Text {
    11. id: objCollapsedStateIndicator
    12. anchors { left: parent.left; top:;}// bottom: parent.bottom }
    13. width: 20
    14. height: 20
    15. //horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
    16. //verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
    17. text: "+"//objRepeater.count > 0 ? objRepeater.visible ? qsTr("-") : qsTr("+") : qsTr("")
    18. font { bold: true; pixelSize: 18}
    19. color: "yellow"
    20. }
    21. Text {
    22. id: objNodeName
    23. anchors { left: objCollapsedStateIndicator.right; top:; }//bottom: parent.bottom }
    24. text:
    25. height: 20
    26. color: "yellow"//objRepeater.count > 0 ? "yellow" : "white"
    27. font { bold: true; pixelSize: 18 }
    28. //verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
    29. }
    30. ListView {
    31. anchors {top: objNodeName.bottom; left: parent.left; right: parent.right; }
    32. //contentHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height
    33. id: objRepeater
    34. objectName: "objRepeater"
    35. model: m_model.subNode
    36. delegate: objRecursiveDelegate
    37. }
    38. }
    39. }
    40. }
    41. Rectangle {
    42. id: objSeparator
    43. anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; }
    44. height: 1
    45. color: "black"
    46. }
    47. }
    49. }
    50. }
    51. ...
    52. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

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