
NOTE: JUMP TO HERE if you don't want to know the context

In recent days I came about a situation that a company is facing regarding using Qt for developing the UI of one of their products. This product is an electrical current analyzer that needs to capture data in real time and plot it efficiently on a pretty graphical interface that by now is using Qwt. I hope you guys may give some help on this

In a first moment, the company was willing to develop a Qt interface in embedded Linux using a hardware architecture compounding of two microprocessors that would talk to each other, with one of them running the Qt interface alongside other works. But thanks to financial and strategical reasons, they decided to change the architecture leaving one processor for each group of work, that is one processor only for leading with the interface.

While dealing with this, they found a problem: Linux. Unfortunately, embedded Linux provided not to be the best option to be used, since that would probably require additional DDR memory etc. in order for the system to work, making the PCB more expensive, while it would be better to have a processor with a more suitable system to run the interface. Three options appear: either run Qt in a lighter Linux, or run Qt in a different, lighter operating system (or in no operation system at all) or else stop using Qt.

My questions are regarding the two first options:

1) Which embedded Linux versions are there that are supported by Qt and that are very light versions of it?
2) Is it possible to run Qt without an underlying operating system? (such as when you run a microprocessor with a simple C file with main() method, without any Embedded Linux or related installed)
3) Which other operating systems are there that are not Linux and that could fit the job and don't require to acquire Digia's Qt commercial license? (I'm aware that Qt Embedded Enterprise Edition from Digia holds support for Qt in 3 real-time operating systems, but to pay something should be avoided).

Btw, since this will be a commercial product, is it mandatory for the company to acquire Qt's commercial license, that is, pay something to Digia just because of this?

