
I'm building a plugin for Qt Quick Designer.

I was able to successfully create the basic Qt Creator plugin (http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtcreator-ex...st-plugin.html). I want to list all the exposed objects of PlugInManager in order to track the ones
related to QML designer.

Here my code:
#include "C:\qt-creator-opensource-src-3.1.0\src\libs\extensionsystem\pluginmanager.h"

ExtensionSystem::PluginManager* pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance();
QList<QObject*> objects = pm->allObjects();
foreach(QObject* obj, objects)
QString objInfo = QString(QString::fromStdString("%1 (%2)"))
qDebug() << objInfo;

I'm getting this crash at compile time:
error: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN15ExtensionSystem13PluginManager8instanc eEv'
error: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN15ExtensionSystem13PluginManager10allObj ectsEv'
:-1: error: release/main.o: bad reloc address 0x20 in section `.text$_ZN7QStringD1Ev[__ZN7QStringD1Ev]'

