
I have a library of custom widgets for designer originally written under Qt 4.8

I modified according to the docs for Qt5 and when I build them for a new install of Qt 5.2, they build without a single warning but are not loaded in Designer and About > Plugins shows the error in the title
without saying what the mis-match actually is

I am using
Q_INTERFACES(QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterf ace)
Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.qt-project.Qt.QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterfac e")
in the library class definition

and I am not exporting Q_PLUGIN_METADATA for each widget individually, as per the docs

I can build a widget individually via QtCreator and it will be recognised by Designer, but it is impractical to split the combined header into individual widget def files and repeat the process 30+ times, that is what libraries are for.

None of the topics I have searched on come up with a relevant answer, a lot say use the Q_PLUGIN_METADATA macro and do not use Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2, and I am doing this.

This works perfectly with 4.8.2, so what exactly has changed in 5 and how do you get Designer to accept a library?
