Quote Originally Posted by rohitkk View Post
It is two different lists.(To be compared by specific value i.e. CREATION_TIME)
e.g. QList<Student> & QList<Employee>.

PS : And I think the result will be stored in the other list after comparison.
for e.g.:
Qt Code:
  1. QList<QObject> listNew;
  2. QList<Employee> listEmp;
  3. QList<Student> listStud;
  5. for(i=0;;i++)
  6. if(listEmp.at(i).creTime<listStud.at(i).creTime)
  7. listNew.add(listEmp.at(i));
  8. else
  9. listNew.add(listStud.at(i));
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Pls ignore the mistakes as I am new to this technology & know very less about this.

So... you have a list of type A, a list of type B and you want as a result a list of type C?

Do A and B have a common base class?