
I'm having some problem with correctly creating and interpreting a struct through a QDataStream "operation". The goal here is the convert a struct into a QByteArray, send by socket to another application which will convert the raw data to the struct again. For now I'm using a Qt-based emulator which converts the raw data into a QByteArray before converting it to the struct.

The struct is the following:

Qt Code:
  1. struct re8k_ics_settings_inout
  2. {
  3. unsigned char header;
  5. struct re8k_ics_settings_inout_nominalvoltages
  6. {
  7. unsigned int A;
  8. unsigned int B;
  9. unsigned int C;
  10. } nominalVoltages;
  12. enum re8k_ice_nominal_frequency nominalFrequency;
  13. };
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The enum have only two optional numbers (0 or 1). Here is the code containing both the serialiation and the deserialization:

Qt Code:
  1. //
  2. QByteArray serializedData;
  3. QDataStream dataStream(&serializedData,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
  4. dataStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_8);
  6. re8k_ics_settings_inout structTemp;
  7. structTemp.header = RE8K_ICDEF_SETTINGS_INOUT;
  9. structTemp.nominalVoltages.A = 400;
  10. structTemp.nominalVoltages.B = 9999;
  11. structTemp.nominalVoltages.C = 1;
  13. structTemp.nominalFrequency = Frequency50Hz; //0
  15. dataStream << structTemp.header
  16. << quint32(structTemp.nominalVoltages.A) << quint32(structTemp.nominalVoltages.B) << quint32(structTemp.nominalVoltages.C)
  17. << structTemp.nominalFrequency;
  19. emit signalSendToSystem(serializedData);
  21. qDebug() << "Sended:" << serializedData.toHex() << serializedData.size() << (serializedData.size() == RE8K_ICDEF_SETTINGS_INOUT_SIZE) << RE8K_ICDEF_SETTINGS_INOUT_SIZE
  22. << structTemp.nominalVoltages.A << structTemp.nominalVoltages.B << structTemp.nominalVoltages.C;
  24. //
  25. const QByteArray tempBA = serializedData.mid(0,RE8K_ICDEF_SETTINGS_INOUT_SIZE);
  26. const void* tempPointer = tempBA.constData();
  27. const re8k_ics_settings_inout* const newStruct = static_cast< const re8k_ics_settings_inout* >(tempPointer);
  29. qDebug() << "Received:" << tempBA.toHex() << tempBA.size() << (tempBA.toHex() == serializedData.toHex()) << newStruct->nominalVoltages.A << newStruct->nominalVoltages.B << newStruct->nominalVoltages.C;
  31. //
  32. re8k_ics_settings_inout newStruct2;
  34. QDataStream deserialize(tempBA);
  35. deserialize.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_8);
  37. deserialize >> newStruct2.header
  38. >> newStruct2.nominalVoltages.A
  39. >> newStruct2.nominalVoltages.B
  40. >> newStruct2.nominalVoltages.C;
  42. qDebug() << "Received 2:" << newStruct2.nominalVoltages.A << newStruct2.nominalVoltages.B << newStruct2.nominalVoltages.C;
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And here is the result:

Qt Code:
  1. Sended: "0e000001900000270f0000000100000000" 17 false 20 400 9999 1
  2. Received: "0e000001900000270f0000000100000000" 17 true 654311568 15 1
  3. Received 2: 400 9999 1
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So as you can see, convert the "received" QByteArray into the struct with QDataStream is actually working (400 9999 1), but if I try the way I'll have to use (using a reinterpret_cast or, in this case, some static_cast for more safety), I get some bizarre errors. Not only this, but the RE8K_ICDEF_SETTINGS_INOUT_SIZE (which is sizeof(re8k_ics_settings_inout)), returns 20 while the QByteArray produced by the QDataStream has a size of 17. So my interpretation here is that is the QDataStream that is doing the mess. And to add a extra comment, the system works fine if the biggest number I put in nominalVoltages substruct is 255 (but still with the different size problem).

How may I solve this problem?

