Hi all,

I've developped an widget application in QT. For now, I'm compiling for windows and I intend to compile for linux in the future.

So, my widget always stays hiden and it has an icon menu for user configuring. What I need to do now is get a keyboard event, manipulate it and then print it into text cursor from windows. For example, if the cursor is on browser url, my programm should get keyboard events, manipulate and print some data into browser url.

If it was a console, it should get data from stdin and prints something into stdout.

I've implemented using Keyboard event. Something like http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/4515...t-being-called

The problem is: this only woks if the widget is active, not hiden.

I though in using this: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/eventsandfilters.html

For sending data is the "same" problem, the widget is not active, so, how to put data to cursor text? Shall I use QTextCursor (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qtextcursor.html)? I've tried something, without success.

Shall I use a thread?

Does anybody can help with this issue?
