Quote Originally Posted by wysota View Post
Works fine for me:

Qt Code:
  1. // main.qml
  2. import QtQuick 2.2
  4. Rectangle {
  5. width: 800
  6. height: 600
  7. color: "yellow"
  9. Rectangle {
  10. id: header
  11. anchors.top: parent.top
  12. anchors.left: parent.left
  13. anchors.right: parent.right
  14. height: 200
  15. color: "red"
  16. }
  17. Loader {
  18. id: loader
  20. anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
  21. anchors.top: header.bottom
  22. anchors.left: parent.left
  23. anchors.right: parent.right
  24. // source: "other.qml"
  25. }
  27. MouseArea {
  28. anchors.fill: parent
  29. onclicked: loader.source = "other.qml"
  30. }
  31. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Thank you, your example is working. However i modified your main.qml file based on what i am trying to achieve.
Once clicked, other.qml file will be loaded. Then I wanted to display again the main.qml after clicking in other.qml file.
Am I understanding it correctly how Loader works?