Sorry for having a similar thread at Qt Tools but there is no answer so I have to ask here again.

I need to keeping calling ping at windows so I called
Qt Code:
  1. QProcess::execute("ping "+QString(IP)+" -n 1 -w 50")
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
I have to use this because it gives return values directly so I don't have to analyze the output strings.

But this also gives outputs that should appear at consoles, you know what they are. They just appear at Qt Creator's Application Output, where I usually watch qDebug() outputs. My own outputs are flooded by them.

I know I can use debugview to filter unwanted outputs but I also need to close Qt Creator first to avoid it's intercepting, then open it again to continue my work...

Is there a better way to block the unwanted outputs or just filter them at Qt Creator?

Thank you in advance.