Quote Originally Posted by RolandHughes View Post
That is _so_ not cool. If the view never communicates the repositioning of columns there is no way to save the user selected configuration across boots or navigations.
Why would that not be possible?
All the necessary information is available at the source (for moved columns the vertical header view).

Quote Originally Posted by RolandHughes View Post
As to "mixing", I don't know.
While the user interaction is quite similar, the result is not.
A drag&drop of items changes the structure of the model (shared between all views on that model), a drag&drop of header sections changes the way this particular view displays the data (specific to that view).

Quote Originally Posted by RolandHughes View Post
I had to enable internal drag and drop on the header in order to move columns.
You mean QHeaderView::setSectionsMovable()?

Quote Originally Posted by RolandHughes View Post
Thanks. I will look for moveColumns() and see if it actually gets called. There has to be _some_ way of preserving the user selected column order across instantiations of the tableview.
Also have a look at http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qhead...l#sectionMoved
