Now my boss asks me to deploy the program using RPM. I tried to find out how to do it. I read a lot of articles. Here are what I have:
Follows one article, I have created .rpmmacros file that contains resides in /home/me directory:

Then, I created a spec file named:myapp.spec resides in my project (/home/me/MyApp )where the makefile resides:
the spec file contains:
%define name myapp
%define version 1.1

Summary: My Qt Application
Name: name
Version: version
Release: 1%{?dist}

Group: Applications
License: GPL
Source0: myapp

An application made from Qt

(nothing in here)

(nothing in here)

(nothing in here)

(nothing in here)


Then, I type:
MyApp]$rpmbuild -bb myapp.spec

I got error:
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.qCxNyz: line 35 ./configure: no such file or directory
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.qCxNyz (%build)

Well, when the Qt(5.2.1) builds the application, it did not have configure file generated. So, how can I fix this problem? Is there any other way to pack with RPM?

Can anyone help for this issue?

Thanks in advance!