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  1. #1
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    Default Qt Electronic parts catalog


    First a couple of words about my project.

    Quite long time ago I noticed that electronic parts that I buy are often duplicated in my "local storage" e.g. I buy the same resistors/cap/uCs and so on, that I have already in inventory. I decided then, that I will create an application to store my inventory state. There are lot of applications on the market to do this (e.g. ) so why I decided to develop my own app?

    1. I want to have a mechanism that will allow me to find parts by parameters, and not by e.g. description or ID. This mechanism, should be intelligent enough, to propose a replacement part for a missing element in my project. Even to propose e.g. pair of resistors with condition (R1+R2)/(R1*R2)=X
    2. I want one big database file that contains "all" electronic parts, in which anyone can add elements, but only "admins" can "approve" this element and let anyone to use it in own projects.
    3. It should be possible to integrate it with a small terminal, or uC. (not full app, but only some parts of it, e.g. a terminal that can only add, or take an element from inventory)
    4. Every user should have it's own "working" area (own storages and projects) that can't be seen by other users
    And the last one. I just don't like web applications

    And because of the points above I decided that
    1. I use a postgres database and it's brilliant json fields, for saving a variable number or parameters to each element and, in the future, use GPU for more complicated queries
    3. I use protobuf (can be used in embedded devices in simple way) as protocol, and QWebSocket for convenience
    2. and 4. I "write" a server that is a "bridge" between user and database to force privileges

    I decided to use "Thread Per Connection" pattern, and Db connection per thread. But in the future I want to force using only couple of threads (1 thread per core). To connect to database I use pqxx library instead of QSql (a simple library, with possibility to pass db connection between threads).

    What i have?
    1. an "working" sql schema, and couple of database designs that will not be a good idea in this project
    2. acl check functions
    3. protbuf messages design
    4. many sql queries written
    5. many ideas how everything should work

    Full source code of this app is available at
    Now I'm in the middle of "redesigning" whole application, because I noticed earlier that I had a couple of big design errors. All actually redesigned classes are listed in server/server.pri file

    What I need is a little bit of help from other, more experienced users, in design, and writing good unit tests for my application.

    My question is: Is there someone that want to help me with application design? Please write on priv or email

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Qt Electronic parts catalog

    project moved to

    still hoping for cooperation

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