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Thread: Qt 5.4 - Scriptable Qml Application

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    Join Date
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    Default Qt 5.4 - Scriptable Qml Application

    Hi all

    I want to learn how to make a qml application scriptable. I would like to have user defined scripts that can be changed without having to recompile the app. Also, I would like to create an object and call a function from anywhere in javascript. During researching the topic I found some webpages mentioning that QtScript is no longer maintained. Is that true? What is the recommanded way to make a qml-application fully scriptable in qt5.4 (for qml applications)?

    Some background:
    At first I thought, that there is already a javascript functionality in qml. So, I started to write some javascripts and loaded them from a file. I can make my c++ objects available with:
    Qt Code:
    1. // in main.cpp
    2. qmlRegisterType<CustonObject>("MyCustonObject", 1, 0, "QmlCustonObject");
    4. // In my qml I can use a script with
    5. import "someFile.js" as File
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    This works great as long as the file is in the resources (qrc). However, I want to be able to change the scripts without having to recompile the application. So, I looked at
    Qt Code:
    1. Qt.import("otherFile.js")
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    And wanted to import that file from the "someFile.js" which is in the resources. I found that I need an absolute path for this to work. The problem is then that the path will change across different platforms. So I needed a way to have the path dynamic. The only way here was to wrap the import in a function
    Qt Code:
    1. // function in "someFile.js"
    2. function loadScript(path)
    3. {
    4. Qt.import(path);
    5. }
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    While that works, the script is then only available inside the function scope. If I warp everything in such a function call, the script gets laoded every time the function is called. So, I packed it into an object instead to avoid loading the script multiple times.
    Qt Code:
    1. // defined in "someFile.js"
    2. function Loader() {
    3. Qt.import(getPathFromQmlFunction());
    4. }
    5. Loader.prototype.Execute() {
    6. // do stuff here...
    7. }
    9. var MyLoader = new Loader();
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    In a qml file I can then add a helper function. The only part to be aware of is that this function must be declared before the "someFile.js" gets included.
    Qt Code:
    1. // defined in qml
    2. function getPathFromQmlFunction()
    3. {
    4. // figure out path for plattform
    5. return "some/path/goes/here/otherFile.js";
    6. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    while this works, it requires me to fiddle with the Loader object and extend it depending on what I want to make available to the scripts. It seams a cumbersome way to implement scripting and I am unsure about it's limitations and restrictions across platforms. Hence, my initial question. What is the proper/recommanded way to make a qml application fully scriptable? Should I continue with this approach or should I use Qt Script instead and load my scripts with a QScriptEngine?

    Edit: fixed some typo
    Last edited by motaito; 14th April 2015 at 14:41.

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