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Thread: Render QWebPage in thread

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    Default Render QWebPage in thread

    Hi, I have a bunch of html pages that I want to render in separate threads. I looked at the documentation and found that QWebPage is a QObject, so it shouldn't generate a "cannot paint qwidget outside gui thread" warning.
    But when I create the QWebpage object, I get the error, and the reason seams to be an internal class "RenderThemeQt", which creates a QPushButton.
    I don't need any pushbutton because I wanted to use the QWebpage only to render to an image, so is there any way to do this?
    I have already tried QTextDocument. This would work, but is a little limited in its HTML subset.


    PS: Qt 4.7
    Last edited by Ginsengelf; 20th July 2015 at 07:43. Reason: fixed link

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