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Thread: QwtLegendItem should show only checked entrys of QwtLegend (or visible PlotItems)

  1. #1
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    Default QwtLegendItem should show only checked entrys of QwtLegend (or visible PlotItems)


    With the QwtLegend i manage the visibility of curves, markers etc. that are attached to to plot.
    I can't use the attribute QwtPlotItem::Legend, because if i set it to false it disapears from QwtLegend.

    The QwtPlotLegendItem inside of plot should show ONLY the visible items of the plot. How can i do this?

    Last edited by HappyCoder; 20th July 2015 at 09:00.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: QwtLegendItem should show only checked entrys of QwtLegend (or visible PlotItems)

    With the QwtLegend i manage the visibility of curves, markers etc. that are attached to to plot.
    I can't use the attribute QwtPlotItem::Legend, because if i set it to false it disapears from QwtLegend.
    Yes of course: setting QwtPlotItem::Legend to false has the meaning of not being relevant for the legend.

    The QwtPlotLegendItem inside of plot should show ONLY the visible items of the plot. How can i do this?
    Overload QwtPlotLegendItem::updateLegend(), something like this:

    Qt Code:
    1. virtual void YourLegendItem::updateLegend( const QwtPlotItem *plotItem,
    2. const QList<QwtLegendData> &data )
    3. {
    4. if ( !plotItem->isVisible() )
    5. QwtPlotLegendItem::updateLegend( plotItem, QList<QwtLegendData>() );
    6. else
    7. QwtPlotLegendItem::updateLegend( plotItem, data );
    8. }
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