I wanted to start developing mobile apps with Qt and QML, because one of mine desktop applications needs an mobile app.
This is why I am experimenting with QML at the moment.
But as soon as I want add these line in top of my .qml file,
Qt Code:
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
I get this error when I run the app with the iOS-Simulator:
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:3 module "QtQuick.Controls" plugin "qtquickcontrolsplugin" not found
and the screen in the iOS-Simulator stays black.
When I try to start it with the "Desktop-Kit" it runs fine.
What could be the problem, is it not possible to use QtQuick Controls with iOS?