For the record: I'm pretty new to Qt, though I have a few c++ programming classes under my belt. My current class (c++, primarily) is the first exposure I've had to the Qt language.

Now, I'm making a pretty complex application that is probably a little beyond what we're expected to do for our term project. I think I have everything but this one error figured out. The error, indicated in the title, seems like it requires a very advanced knowledge of the language to even know what the deuce the connectSignSlot() function is/does. The fact that it's in a ".o" file scares me. Google has zero, yes zero, results about the error message or the function (which, I'm guessing, is part of a pretty basic library that I have no business messing about with). I can only imagine that it has something to do with the guts of the language actually doing the connecting between signals and slots. The error is in a moc_(class name).o for a custom class.

Also for the record: I was pretty careless and thrashed out a bunch of code without testing it because I was nearly certain it would work. Shame on me.

If this error can be resolved I think the application will indeed work as intended, but I am stumped. Anyone? Let me know if you need to see some code.

Unnecessary fluff: the application is a rudimentary character generator for D&D 3.5, only handling (all the following terms refer to their Dungeons and Dragons definitions) nonmagical core classes and core races (though I may drop the races down to a smaller selection). It will handle levels 1-20, no multiclassing, and it won't have any equipment to deal with. It will calculate BAB, saving throws, AC, initiative, abilities that don't have a numerical effect, and maybe a couple other things.