Here is a piece of code...
connect(http, SIGNAL(done( bool )), this, SLOT(parseResponse( bool )));
connect(http, SIGNAL(stateChanged( int )), this, SLOT(stateChanged( int )));
connect(http, SIGNAL(requestStarted( int )), this, SLOT(requestStarted( int )));
http->setHost(_host); // _vhost = '';
http->get(_vurl); // _vurl = '/afile.xml';
QHttp* http = new QHttp(this);
connect(http, SIGNAL(done( bool )), this, SLOT(parseResponse( bool )));
connect(http, SIGNAL(stateChanged( int )), this, SLOT(stateChanged( int )));
connect(http, SIGNAL(requestStarted( int )), this, SLOT(requestStarted( int )));
http->setHost(_host); // _vhost = '';
http->get(_vurl); // _vurl = '/afile.xml';
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
this is in a method of an QObject and all the slots are defined in the right way ...
after sending the get method no signal is emitted at all ... the signals are well connected since there is no warnings at the output ...
and i can't figure out what is wrong...
if anybody can help me... I'll appreciate it