In my app i use the qwtplotzommer, it works fine for one y-left axis. when zooming into the graph only the y-axis (first to the left) is updated.
my section code for zooming is as following:

d_zoomer[0] = new myZoomer(
QwtAxis::xBottom,QwtAxisId(QwtAxis::yLeft, 0).id, canvas() );
d_zoomer[0]->setRubberBand( QwtPicker::RectRubberBand );
d_zoomer[0]->setRubberBandPen( QColor( Qt::red ) );
d_zoomer[0]->setTrackerMode( QwtPicker::ActiveOnly );
d_zoomer[0]->setTrackerPen( QColor( Qt::white ) );

connect(d_zoomer[0],SIGNAL(zoomed(QRectF)),this,SLOT(ZoomedRect(QRect F)));

setAxesCount(QwtAxisId(QwtPlot::yLeft).id,nChannel +1);// set nChannel axis on y direction
this->setAxisScale(QwtAxisId(QwtAxis::yLeft,nChannel) , 0, 85,10 );
this->setAxisAutoScale(QwtAxisId(QwtAxis::yLeft,nChanne l),true);

I have 2 problems:

1) If my plot has more than one y-left axis for example 4-y-left Axis, the zooming works but without updating y-left2 to y-left4 axis, only the y-left1 is updated, for all the graphs the zooming works fine.

2) If i add this section code to my programs and I add more curves by drag and drop to the plot, my programs works only with 4 curves and in case of more curves it crashes. And the section below is causing that problem.

d_zoomer[nChannel] = new myZoomer(
QwtAxis::xBottom, QwtAxisId(QwtAxis::yLeft, nChannel).id, canvas() );

Do you know, how zooming can work for all integrated axis?