I need to give new life to an old huge and complex software written in C and Gtk+2.0 library on ide Eclipse. The software must be installed on a PC with a custom linux distribution. Software is composed of two projects that works with the logic server-client. I thought that the best choice would be to port the projects in C++, Qt library on Qt Crerator even if I'm quite newbie in C++ and Qt
I have a lot of work to do because the whole gui was written without a designer and I want to use the Creator Designer to recreate it, very much code will be translated in c++ also to improve the readability, much code are difficult to understand ecc...the problem is to choose the best way to start! I tryed to use the import function of Creator to import the project from Eclipse to try to reuse all the possible old code and minimize the new code but QT Creator only work as editor...so it is not useful. I'm starting to create a new project in Creator for the GUi, as first step, and to write all code from the begin looking the old code as a trace but the huge code to port make me look for another easier and specially faster way to do this job.
Can anyone suggest me how to proceed to speed this work?