Basic info: windows 8, qt creator + qt4.8 + mingw

Problem description: I can build my qt program well. But my released codes(debug mode) can not work well on another windows 7 machine, noted that there is no qt been installed on that win7 machine. On that win7 machine, when I close the qt application I can receive a "runtime error", this unusual issue happens occasionally/randomly. To this end, I used the Microsoft visual studio debugger to attach to the running qt application's process. The problem is that in the MS debugger, the qt executable can not be debugged because "binary was not built with debug information", as a result, I cannot see the codes, and can not do anything.

I want to use debug mode to generate a qt executable that can be debugged on another machine by Microsoft visual studio. I'm not trying to debug qt dlls themselves, just want to debug my own codes.

Hopefully, anyone can help. Thanks.