I would like a pretty simple bar chart in a PyQt application I'm making. I've been looking around a bit on how to create such charts, there seems to be a few solutions but none of them seems to me like a fairly simple and straight forward option. It does not have to be interactive. Any suggestions in which direction to go? This is what I've found:

  • Matplotlib. Not a native part of python, needs to be installed manually fot Qt5 support. I want to keep the code as easily manageable as possible (all GUI in QtDesigner, not in code, if possible) and I'm a bit afraid matplotlib will force me to do a bit of GUI coding manually. Also I want the application to be easily movable to other platforms (I'd prefer a big fat all-in-one exe file for windows, without "you need to install this and that first"-solution).
  • QtCharts. Does not seem to be natively supported by PyQt. Otherwise it looks really easy to use.
  • SVG.
  • Manual painting with QPaint. Feels a bit unnecessarily low-level.

Do you guys know any more options? Since I'm new on this it sure helps if good documentation exists.