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Thread: Is It possible to show zeros numbers after decimal point in a QLabel?

  1. #1

    Default Is It possible to show zeros numbers after decimal point in a QLabel?

    Hello, this is my first question in this forum, sorry if I make a mistake.
    Im using a QLabel to show float numbers, that is working, my problem is that I want to show ever two numbers after the decimal point. eg If the number is 1.55 shows 1.55, but whe the numer is 1.50 shows 1.5 and I want to show 1.50 or if the number is 1.00 shows 1 and I want to show 1.00.
    I am using setNum(number) to show the value.
    Any suggestion? anywone can help me?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Is It possible to show zeros numbers after decimal point in a QLabel?

    Doesn't QString::number with the 'g' format specifier do what you want?

    Edit: Sorry, misread your post, you want the format specifier 'f' with precision of 2.
    I write the best type of code possible, code that I want to write, not code that someone tells me to write!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Is It possible to show zeros numbers after decimal point in a QLabel?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is It possible to show zeros numbers after decimal point in a QLabel?

    Yes i coul resolve it, thanks for you reply

    Thank you, i could resolve it

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