Hi ,

i'm a beginner in PyQt and i want to know please : what's the difference between mousePressEvent() and mouseReleaseEvent() ?

also i've another issue : i showed an image on a QgraphicsView like this : QImage ( path ) ==> convert to QPixmap ==> set On the QGraphicsView's Scene

is it possible to have the cursor coordinates Inside the image without clicking on any mouse or keybord button ? just navigating Inside the image and showing image pixel coordinates on the status bar ?

i'd like also to code a zoom function usine wheelEvent or comboBox :

i used the QImage instance and apply scale(current.width * zoom_factor, current.height() * zoom_factor) function , the problem i want the zoom to be centered around the current position of the cursor.

using , my method i have to use scroll bars each time i zoom to see the region i wanted to see ... and that's not cool

Thanks for reading ,