Thank you for the reply.

I've tried using signal.h's int kill (pid_t pid, int signum) where PID = qprocess->pid(). However that returns that the signal wasn’t sent.

So about using SH, i tried running without sh to start however i had no luck passings the flags to the program. I might have been doing it wrong however. Using shell i could get around this but that brought up the non-terminating process problem.

Qt Code:
  1. QString rx_path = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
  2. QString command = ". " + rx_path + "/applications/bin/ && ./application";
  3. QString flags = " -udp 42003"
  4. rx_process = new QProcess;
  5. rx_process->start(command,QStringList() << flags);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I've also tried a variant of this passing the flags into command and leaving args empty but that doesnt work either.

I agree that the right solution here would to not use sh.