First of here is my code:
Qt Code:
#include "dbmanager.h" #include<qdebug.h> dbManager::dbManager() { db.setDatabaseName("Decoders.db"); if(! qDebug() << "Not connected to DB."; else if( qDebug() << "Connected to DB."; } void dbManager::nametest() { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT name FROM Restaurant"); int idName = query.record().indexOf("name"); if(query.exec()) { while( { qDebug() << name; } } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } }To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
The problem: I made a table called restaurant is sqlite studio, I am testing to just print the first couple names from the database to the console.
I have done this exact type of thing in a previous project with zero problems yet here it doesn't work at all. It just outputs this: "QSqlError("", "Unable to fetch row", "No query")" whenever I run the test method I have above
I have triple checked that I my prepare statement has the correct column names and everything. Any help would be great.
Edit: changed this
Having the database file with the source code was the issue, having it in a different directory fixed the problem