
I suspect, Intellisense in the QT creator is not working properly.

I had commented the signature of the method in homeCtrl.h as well in HomeCtrl.Cpp, But the method is visible in the main.qml.
As well as I had added the new signature for the method called

Q_INVOKABLE void eveUserDetailsT(QString pstrUserName);

and added the method in HomeCtrl.cpp
void HomeController::eveUserDetailsT(QString pstrUserName)


This newly added method is not shown in main.qml.

I used the below code in main.cpp for exposing the methods in the Qml

QQmlContext *HomeContext = appEngine.rootContext();qt.jpg
HomeController *objHomeController = new HomeController();
HomeContext->setContextProperty("objHomeController",objHomeCon troller);