I've a simple application that alerts the user when he got new mails on our Intranet messagery server.
To know if there are new mails, I use a QTcpSocket connected to our Intranet messagery server on port 143, and I request for new mails with IMAP protocol. When I can't get the answer, I show an error message saying that the connection as failed, and that the user should check is connection to the network.
The matter is that the user could be well connected but our messagery server would be down.
So, before showing the error, I should test :
- if I can ping our messagery server
- if I can ping another Intranet server
Pinging the messagery server is simple, with IMAP : I've just to tell him that I want a connection.
But I don't know how to ping another Intranet server, nor on wich port. I would like to do a classical 'ping servername'.
Is it possible, without calling external libraries ?
Thanks for your help !