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Thread: How to prevent opening the same record in a new window more than once in QTableView ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Qt products

    Default How to prevent opening the same record in a new window more than once in QTableView ?

    Hi All,
    I wonder if anyone can help, I have a QTableView where I'm displaying list of records, to display further details of any record I'm opening a new window by clicking on the record, all well apart from that I can open the SAME record more than once, How can I prevent this happening ?

    this is what I have so far
    Qt Code:
    1. while(
    2. {
    3. model->setQuery(qry);
    4. }
    5. connect(ui->tableView_visitLog, SIGNAL(pressed(const QModelIndex&)), this,
    6. SLOT(on_tableView_visitorLog_clicked(const QModelIndex&)));
    9. void ControlPanel::on_tableView_visitorLog_clicked(const QModelIndex& index)
    10. {
    11. const QAbstractItemModel* tableModel = ui->tableView_visitLog->model();
    12. int visitor_id = tableModel->data(tableModel->index(index.row(),0), Qt::DisplayRole).toInt();
    13. visitordetails = new VisitorDetails(visitor_id, this);
    14. visitordetails->show();
    15. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to prevent opening the same record in a new window more than once in QTableVi

    Add a QHash member to your class that uses the visitor_id value as the key and has a pointer to the VisitorDetails as the value.

    When you get into that slot you first check if you have an entry already and only create one if you don't.
    If you have one you can still call show() and raise() on it to make it come to the front (if there are more than one of these open)


  3. The following user says thank you to anda_skoa for this useful post:

    zed220 (30th September 2016)

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