I am launching a dialog box containing a form with several input fields. I want to enter data in the first field and then execute a lookup for a description and display that data in the second (read only field). To this end I have created the dialog in QTDesigner and written a simple main that launches the dialog on a button press. The dialog issues a signal when data is entered in the first field. The dialog is sub-classed and has a slot that receives the signal. My problem is that when the slot method runs it can't access the dialogs' fields and the following error is generated.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/robert/PycharmProjects/pcbMrp/Utilities/dialogTest.py", line 15, in showPartDescription
part = self.pcePartNoEditor.text()
AttributeError: 'PartCountEditorDialog' object has no attribute 'pcePartNoEditor'

How do I get the subclass method (slot) to access the dialog elements?

Example CountScreenEditorDialog.pydialogTest.py.

Using Qt 5.4 , pyqt4, python3