Quote Originally Posted by sauerplayer View Post
I also make use of: cuentaLuis.pedirContrasenia(); within main instead of within the constructor.
and also cuentaDiana.pedirContrasenia();

but for me the question remains why not to allow the constructor to do all the processing??.
You are mixing questions/answers from two different threads.
jefftee answered that one on the other thread.

Quote Originally Posted by sauerplayer View Post
Will it cause conflicts by compiling the program that way or is just a matter of readability?
As it compiled for you it couldn't have caused conflicts for compiling, could it?

Quote Originally Posted by sauerplayer View Post
how much further must I allow a constructor to handle the processing of any program?
A constructor initializes an object of a class. It has to do whatever is necessary to achieve that.
It can do other things as well, but again, see jefftee's comments in your other thread.

Quote Originally Posted by sauerplayer View Post
also in the part of my code where I make use of Cuenta1::mostrarMensaje(), originally I wanted the program to decide depending on the input of the user if option "a" user input were "A" and option b user input were "B" using getline( cin, opcion ) where "opcion" is a string variable whether it can be "A" or "B" but it does not seems to work that way that is why i used an int variable "opcion" to make the work done, still I am curious about changing that part of my code so that the input of the user is "A" or "B" rather than 1 or 2.
What have you debugged so far?
Is the input either "A" or "B"?
